Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blog #6 "A Sacred Connection to the Sun"

     In an essay by Joy Harjo,  A Sacred Connections to the Sun, Harjo emphasizes the deep connection between the sun and the earth.   Reminding the reader how we are all connected as one on this beautiful planet.  Harjo tells how the early explorers called the natives of Turtle Island, "heathens, sun worshipers.  They didn't understand that the sun is a relative and illuminates our path on this earth."  In other words, Harjo is is suggesting the respect for the Sun is just as important as it is to respect you Grandfather and all life on the planet.  The sun is the eternal life force that feeds all living things.  It allows us to see where we are going, feeds the plants we eat, and purifies the water we drink, and is a constant in existence.  Without the sun, all life on the planet shall parish.  Just as important as your Mother and Father because, without them you would not exist.  Harjo reports that many of the ceremonies continue today to help reaffirm to connection with the sun.  These acts of respect to the sun  help keep the you grounded and humbled in a world with many distractions.  Harjo acknowledges how quantum physicist are now in agreement with many of the tradition and beliefs pasted down from the elders.  We are all connected as one and we all play a very vital role in the the current experiences of the planet.  Harjo tells how in Time Square she still holds ceremony in celebration of life by bringing her newborn grandchild down at dawn and presenting her to the sun.  This is how the sun knows the newborn is family.  This essay hit home for me on many levels.  She reminded me that the path I am on is exactly where I need to be.  It is no mistake my spiritual childhood on Chumash Indian lands has given me an insight to the future.  Bridging science and spirituality on a personal level and my desire to be a quantum physicist.  It is with each new day my future is dawning!             

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