Sunday, February 12, 2012

Blog #5 "Facebook in a Crowd"

Hal Niedzviecki's essay, Facebook in a Crowd, is a humorous and serious example of how, we as a society, have placed incredible importance on Facebook and other social networks to house our alter egos.  The friends on Facebooks, or lack-there-of, has some sort of truth of significant we are in the real world.  The noteworthiness placed on the number of friends and responses has a vital effect on our self-confidence.  Even more alarming to me, is the need to state your relationship status!  As if this action makes your relationship more valid or less historic.  I was very entertained by this article and laughed at myself for the same types of feelings I have about my Facebook friends.  I too have had events on Facebooks to which no one showed  up.  Although, I wasn't alone in bar wondering why no came, I did question my self worth.  It is also a lesson into how friendships and actual socializing is far more important than updating your status.  The amazing results in reaching a vast audience online can also harbor deeper feelings of loneliness too!  You can have hundreds of friends, but how many actually reach out or care unless it happens online.  We can be who we really want to be online and tragic as it is, we are losing the ability to function as a connected populous.  Furthering the wedge, that our government, religious, sexual, and economic class places on us.  We are connected through a medium that is removing the need to have face to face experiences and disconnecting the spiritual experience further.     

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